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Further examples in the series "Organs under Test" (published and illustrated in the monthly magazine "NATÜRLICH)

  • -The Pancreas: the spark plug in our body
  • -The Heart: the pump of  life
  • -The Eye: the body's own camera system
  • -The Liver: the biochemical factory in the human body
  • -The Stomach: necessitates digestion

 Our various internal organs transmit signals as to their health condition. When we understand and react accordingly to these conditions, we can improve and rectify them, leading to our general health enhancement and life quality. Through our understanding of these signals, we are in the position to react at the outset in identifying possible warning signals and undertaking appropriate measures in counteracting them.

All Illustrations: Sonja Burger Text.: Bruno Vonarburg

Titelbild Natuerlich
Titelbild Natuerlich
Titelbild Natuerlich
Titelbild Natuerlich

Some of the many lllustrative cover pages created and illustrated for the monthly issue of "NATÜRLICH"

  • -Witches
  • -Amalgam: Toxic waste
  • -Dam-Phantoms
  • -Xenotransplantation

Briefmarke Buntspecht
Briefmarke Eichhörnchen
Briefmarke Reh
Briefmarke Dachs

4 latest postage stamps: stamped and first issue "Animals of the Forest"  

Client: POST CH AG     Auftraggeber: POST CH AG

Premier issues are available from 1. March 2018 at all post offices and postshops. 

Illustrations and Layout: Sonja Burger     

Copyright: Swiss Post AG     


Over a period of six months Natürlich Magazine  presented visuals of Homeoapthy by Mohinder Singh with text reinforcement, shortly after leading to "Homeoapthy Guide" from author and doctor Bruno Vonarburg (text) and Sonja Burger (illustrations), with emphasis on the individual -"Medical Remedy and the Personality"  -  Haug Medical Publishers Limited in Stuttgart

Latest Coop wine labels, illustrated by Sonja Burger, published by Vollherbst-Druck,
and marketed by Coop supermarket chain in Switzerland
Above illustration: Castel del Monte Winery
  • Castel del Monte: Riva, (Castel del Monte Sicily)
  • Eglisauer: Pinot Noir (Church of Eglisau)
  • Roccolo: Ticino, Merlot (Roccolo village)
  • Stammheimer: Pinot Noir (Stammheim chapel)